JavaScript (JS), as with any programming language, is not something to simply learn overnight. The length of time to learn JS varies between individuals, potentially requiring months, or more, to become proficient and even longer to be considered an expert. Instrumental in learning JS, or any other programming language, is having an effective learning approach.
This essay explores my own learning perspective as I begin to immerse myself in the programming environment. I begin by explaining my initial thoughts about JS overall (i.e. what I understand about JS, reasons to learn it, etc). I then follow with my own thoughts about using the Athletic Software Engineering approach for this learning journey. Lastly, I conclude with goals I plan to achieve.
JS is well-known as the scripting language for web pages as well as environments such as Apache and Adobe. In preparation of learning, I was able to conclude that JS allows us to create dynamic web pages (programming the behavior of web pages) working in conjunction with HyperText Markup Language (HTML) for web page content and Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) for web page layout. Considering these closely working languages, my initial impression were thoughts of becoming overwhelmed as I attempt to decipher the inner workings of JS. However, after introductory lessons and having familiarity with other programming languages (C, Python, and R), I felt a bit more comfortable in my approach to learn the language.
Compared to other languages, I feel that JS seems relatively easier to learn, build, and implement as it is an “interpreter” language (Wilkins, 2021). This allows browsers to read and run code without the need to compile it, which is convenient to me for quick learning. Wilkins also mentions that, “JS is used as the client-side programming language for 97.6% of all websites for web page and mobile application development.” From the perspective of a software engineer, I believe this makes JS an important language to learn and understand.
Initially unfamiliar with JS, I look forward to learning the skills of effective programming in JS. In order to embark on this journey called JavaScript, it is important to approach it with effective learning techniques.
Everyone has their personal preference of learning styles. Growing up playing sports and video games I’ve learned that “hands-on” practical repetition is the most effective learning technique for me. A learning technique which I feel aligns with the Athletic Software Learning approach. As this learning approach emphasizes a time-constrained, stress induced environment (two aspects I’m not necessarily a fan of), I feel that this learning approach will be beneficial for me. I believe this learning style will require me to deliberately prepare and continually rehearse various skills (“hands-on” repetition) in order to be successful. Inherently adding the benefit of enforcing effective habits to combat the infamous procrastination mentality. “Practice makes perfect,” a quote I’ve grown up with, strongly reinforces this learning style.
JavaScript is ubiquitous, hence my motivation to learn the language. To learn JS effectively, I intend to leverage the Athletic Software Engineering approach as much as possible. With this motivation and learning style in mind, a goal I have to look forward to accomplishing is becoming competent and proficient in JS programming overall. A second goal is to explore the realm of mobile application development with JS in this technology driven world.
Wilkins, Jessica. 25Aug21. freeCodeCamp. What is JavaScript Code Explained in Plain English.