Peer Review Finder

This peer review finder is a web application that offers the opportunity for researchers to easily upload and review the research publication of their peers. Users are able to create their own account and upload their research papers, under a token system, to a database that will allow others to review thier work. Within the interface, users are able to use search and filter features to find papers in specified areas. Once a review has been made on a particular paper, the owner that uploaded that paper are then able to see the review comments made. The account will also maintain the history of papers reviewed and commented on by the user.

For this project, I was able to make a contribution on the front end portion of the design. This entails the intial landing page the users see both before and after logging into their user account profile. I focused on updating several ui JSX components and the CSS file to update the navbar, background image, and layout of these landing pages.

Overall, it was an eye opening experience for me. With no experience in web application, I definitely had many takeaways from this project experience. This includes a familiarity in frontend and backend designs in general. Understanding how to appropriately apply MongoDB was a challenge for me. Additionally, using github collaboration features was new to me. I definitely saw the applicability in managing group work using the issue-driven management teachniques and could see the concept being applied in variety of group projects.

The link to the project io page is below: Peer Review Finder io

The Project Repo: Peer Review Finder Repo

Official Project Site: Peer Review Finder Site